Pana Application
Prior to beginning this application you have to create Google account (Gmail) if you do not have one already– Only for LSU. No school / work emails linked to the google account are allowed. This application requires you to sign in with your LSU Gmail.
General Questions
This is the Immi's Chapter or intake chapter. This is NOT YOU, the Pana's Chapter
Please do not upload a picture of you with a friend or family member, this picture should be only you. (Please look straight, no shades or hat) (Recommended/Optional: Shirt & Tie)
Please email
[email protected] your evidence that you graduated and are an alumni if you are labeled as an undergrad online.
Required Paperwork
Instructions - For the Letter of Intent and Biography download each template to fill out and once completed please upload the file into the correct box.
* Pana's must have the availability to visit and spend time their Panita no less than 3 times in the process.
* Pana's must have the availability to have phone conversations no less than 3 times a week during the process.
* Pana's are expected to notify the Line Administrators and the Regional Cacique if something wrong is taking place.
* Pana's are expected to update the Line Administrators about any concerns about health, grades, or emotional concerns.
* Pana's are expected to be a positive role model for their Panita.
* Pana's are expected to have a Panita gift ready by crossing.